Kalanchoe Delagoensis ‘Chandelier Plant’, or “Mother of Millions,” is a popular succulent that can be grown indoors and outdoors. This genus includes over 200 species of succulent plants, most of which have fleshy leaves that can easily be trimmed or pruned.

Chandelier plants grow best in warm climates, preferably in tropical areas. For optimal growth outdoors, plant the plant in sandy or loamy, well-draining soil. The plant can also thrive in a container, but it’s a good idea to give it some shade during the afternoon to prevent sunburn.

Unlike some other succulents, chandelier plants are not prone to root rot, though they may suffer from it in extremely dry conditions. The best way to avoid this is to water deeply but infrequently, giving the plant plenty of time for the soil to dry before watering again.

It is also recommended that you use a nutrient-rich fertilizer monthly during the growing season, but do not overfeed it, as this can encourage leaf drop. This plant does not require much pruning, but you can prune back dead or weak leaves and stems as needed.

This is an easy-to-grow succulent that makes a great addition to any home. As long as you provide it with the proper care, the plant can live for years to come.

The plant can be very hardy, especially if you protect it from freezing temperatures during the winter. However, it’s not recommended for cold weather conditions in most regions of the country because it will become very brittle and lose its leaves quickly.

When it comes to indoor cultivation, this succulent is a good choice in most parts of the country. It can withstand low temperatures and high humidity, but it’s best to place it in a container during colder months.

Inspect your chandelier plant regularly for signs of insect pests, such as mealybugs and scale. These pests can quickly damage and weaken your kalanchoe, and they can also cause your plant to drop leaves or even die completely.

It’s a good idea to treat your plants for these pests as soon as you see them, so that they don’t spread to other plants. You can also pick up a spray of horticultural oil from your local home and garden store to help prevent these problems from occurring.

Another common issue with kalanchoe is that they are very susceptible to root rot, particularly in cold climates where temperatures are consistently below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. If you notice a significant amount of rot in your plant, it’s best to remove the entire plant and try to propagate from the stems.

If you don’t have a rooted plant, you can also root cuttings from your existing plant. Keep a small pot of potting mix and some seeds on hand for this purpose. After the cut has calloused and healed (normally a few days), dip it in rooting hormone and stick it into the soil. The plant should start to root in a few weeks.